30 October 2011

Mango Season

Today I went to the local Rapid Creek markets. There is always fresh produce there. You can buy lots of different vegetables and fruit. They are normally cheaper and tastier because they are local. For me it is exciting to see many tropical fruit and veg. Sometimes I don’t even know what they are and how they can be eaten or cooked. Darwin’s market culture is really great, because at the markets people can do shopping of food, souvenirs, clothing, they can even get a massage, and when they get hungry they can eat. There is big variety of Asian foods.
Though, today I went to the markets to buy some fruit. My favourite fruit is Mango and the season for them soon will finish. So I took last chance to buy mangoes. I got a really good deal - I picked up two boxes for $15. Some of them I will freeze that we could enjoy later. From some of them I will make jam and of course some will be eaten fresh.

25 October 2011

Nauja gyventoja - Katyte

Susipazinkite su musu nauju namu gyventoju! Katyte atsinesiau is drauges, kuri ja rado savo kieme. Andrew net neitare ka  as buvau suplanavusi, tad buvo siurprizas geras. Ziurejo i mane jis, akytem mirksejo ir nieko negalejo pasakyti. Sokas buvo, nes as tokiu siurprizu nedarau. Taciau padaviau ja i rankas ir Andrew ja pamilo iskart. Kaip nepatiks tokia miela katyte! Labai greitai priprato prie musu namu ir jauciasi kaip namu seimininke. Labai katyte zaisminga ir gero budo, tad mes patenkinti.

Mes vakarienei kepeme picas. Katyte nusprende miegoti tarp stalo, na paziurekit nuotraukoj. Po stalu yra mazesnis staliukas, o kadangi abu stikliniai, tai mes galejome matyti ja valgant. Truputi keistoka. Malonu tureti gyvuneli namie, tiek daug dziaugsmo mums dave vakar!

5 October 2011

Naujas masiniukas

Susipazinkite su musu nauja masinyte: NISSAN DUALIS, Europoje zinoma kaip NISSAN QUASHKAI. Australams neleido pavadinti masinos Quashkai, nes butu jiem skambeje kaip Cash Cow. Na, isvisko gali jie pasijuokti. O as tikiuosi musu Pinigu Karvyte gerai riedes savaitgali i pirma, ilga kelione i Kakadu nacionalini parka.