16 September 2011

Darwin Harbour Cruise

Tonight I was on the cruise in the darwin harbour...

As you see from the picture it is a very nice ship! Though, I was not on this one. Maybe next time...
 Me and my work collegues had a cruise in a much smaller boat, but with drinks and nibles! It was a "thank you" cruise for the "Party Safe" valunteers. Remember, I wrote the very first blog story about it?
Tonight was a lovely night. I should say a perfect night of Darwin end of dry season. We had lots of fun. As you can see below in pictures the sunset was beautiful.

6 September 2011

Pagaliau atrasta varske Australijoj!

Paziurekite ka as radau!
Po penkeriu metu ieskojimo, sapnavimo, svajojimo... pagaliau radome parduotuveje varskes!
Tai mano pats issiilgciausias produktas, kuris man susijes tik su Lietuva. Aisku australai mano, kad tai Sveicariskas atradimas. Daugelis mano pazistamu australu net nezino kas tai per produktas ir kodel as jo taip pasiilgau. Greit suzinos, nes tuoj pradesiu gaminti varskes patiekalus ir pavaisinti kitus.  :)